About 15 years ago we created UnRisk. Brand naming is hard. We wanted to communicate the essence of our technology in one word. It was the begin, the title of our story.
A bigger picture of risk
We didn't have in mind that UnRisk will help removing risk…we decided to draw a bigger picture of risk. When the financial regimes change you need to unlearn, because the rules of risk management have changed.
The controlling idea
To use UnRisk means getting insight into the sensitivities of all relevant factors and optimizing risk in regimes where the conditions are known and relatively safe. But, it means also to analyze the tail risk, where conditions are uncertain.
A kingdom for a technology stack
To manage the change your system needs to change too and we knew from the beginning: we must build a technology stack enabling transformative developments swiftly.
To think and build highly automated derivative and risk analytics, we carefully chose the most advanced mathematical schemes and mapped all practical details...and for advanced risk management, we implemented an abstract concept of nested instruments across nested scenarios…
UnRisk covers a broad variety of deals from the simplest to the most sophisticated and complex.
Story doing not knowing what storydoing is
First we decided that support is the responsibility of development and sales and customers relation of the UnRisk heads.
2009 we established UnRisk Academy to package know how and offer courses and workouts giving full explanation on quantitative finance theories, mathematical approaches and critical implementations. The Academy heads wrote A Workout in Computational Finance published by Wiley. Live workouts were held in all major finance places and attracted hundreds of quants.
2010 we unleashed the complete programming power behind UnRisk as UnRisk Quant. It comes with the UnRisk Financial Language implemented in its valuation and risk, VaR and xVA engines. It enables developers to swiftly build risk-related quantitative finance solutions.
In a brand new project with multilateral of switzerland we co-create a system that explains complex financial concept to non experts.
It's all about open innovation, transparency, education, access…lighting up the medium people…clients, actors, partners, remarkers…
The results are amazing...