This is a spreadsheet filled in for UnRisk Capital Manager. In order to show everything in one page I've put in only the, IMO, most important info. The real thing is much more comprehensive (info in cells).
The Innovation Life Cycle
And it's import to say that I do use this sheets in stages of a review process. When the innovation gets on my desk for further analysis I pull up a new Quant Innovation Spreadsheet and fill it in.
It's my understanding of the work of an innovation marketer: evaluate the pre release (the potential to work and sell). Let's assume that the innovation pre release does not perfectly work (it may technically…). It's close but I do not have a quick idea to fix the disappointing approaches. This is where it helps to have the first Spreadsheet.
If the makers and I come to an arrangement I offer to review the releases…by walking them through The Quant Innovation Mesh and refine or aggregate the Spreadsheet in cycles. But this does only work if the first release does it already right in principle
In a few cases I do the business development for the Innovation. UnRisk. The current UnRisk Capital Manager version is the 12th release since it has been launched (2008). It has quadrupled in "size" since then and released new deal types, models, methodologies…tasks, workflows, add-on subsystems…and most important: a few years ago we have integrated UnRisk-Q the programing power behind UnRisk.
That's a turning point!
A little suite of diagnosis tools
As we're leading up to the concise Innovation Mesh for UnRisk CM and look into the cells of the Quant Innovation Spreadsheet for UnRisk CM combined with The Quant Innovation Mesh for UnRisk CM (scheme) we'll come to quite dynamic view of the innovation. What it does. What it's for. How it flows. Whether it hooks. How it builds. What the pay-offs are…
To see this better, it helps to understand the type and its conventions and rules, the points of view, the desires, needs and requests, the controlling ideas, methods and technologies, what the constructors, builders, solvers are…helping to design marketing mixes and move to insight selling.
The suite helps me but it also helps the makers to fix little (non-technical) problems.
This is where I am now. I am sure that "evolutionary prototyping" is the right way to go in quant innovations.
But, are there more general principles? Automated model-method selection? More automated direction in general?...
If you look into the concise spreadsheet of the current version, you may recognize that UnRisk CM has been developed the bottom-up and inside-out fashion and that it follows the nested constructor-managegement of progressive problems-solution principle (technically it uses preprocessing-processing-postprocessing solvers).
It's fruit of transformative development. It needs a comprehensive technology stack in the right design.
If the foundation is right you can concentrate on solution needs-access-values-education marketing mixes…want an "UnRisk Bank"? Look into the above and add a subsystem that manages Credit/Fund/Debt Adjustments and central counterparts/clearing…margin rules…
Make things that matter for those who care…in a thrilling way (I add now).
Having inspected each unit…tracking the (quant) innovation as a whole will be the final step. Maybe there's more about this…? Does quantitative information help? Like number of tasks...lines of code per programming paradigm…?