
In earlier stages of my work I thought, to set the stage for successful usages and leverage technologies innovations shall be solutions and development systems in one. But then I learned that the same technologies can help building quantitative problem solving skills.


Constructionist learning is learning by exploration and experimentation….it's also called exploration, experiential, experimental learning. It suggests learner-centered arrangements where learners use knowledge that they already have to acquire a new one.

Constructionism is not new. It has been situated on the early 80 in combination with programming.

Problem-based learning

It's a constructionist method which allows learners to learn about a subject by exposing them to multiple problems. Teaching is replaced by the construction of problem solvers by in a hands-on way.

What's important in such a problem-based learning arrangement
  • Learning shall be related to a larger task (motivation)
  • Learners shall feel that they can grow into an ownership of the ovarall problem (acquisition)
  • The tasks and the learners abilities must match (intensification)
  • Learners shall be enabled to evaluate their results and relate them to their learning process (assessment)
Constructionist learning can be very effective in quantitative fields, where computational knowledge is the core.

Constructionist Technologies

Not so surprisingly it's the same technology that helps to Think It. Build It. Programming in a symbolic language with a variety of built in algorithms and knowledge, the ability to represent results in various insightful forms, a document centered front-end to share dynamic information…

It's amazing, following a few principles quant innovations become solutions and development systems in one adding-on a constructionist learning arrangement.