After the Big Picture post, I've walked another innovation through The Innovation Mesh…Opexar from Advexo…triggered by a workshop with live presentations by the makers (and their partner here: my friend Hermann Fuchs).
It's a compelling innovation, a quantitative tool-enhanced methodology, helping make decisions under uncertainty, leveraging business and financial planning...I've continued reading Shawn Coyne's blog…and was inspired to extract some must-haves after having classified the global type, and done the detailed diagnosis…
for UnRisk CM
A Big Idea
telling the actors what to expect. Explorative Investment and Risk Intelligence
Key Actor / Danger / Decision Support
Risk manger / excessive losses, violation of the regulatory framework / VaR and tail risk analytics, stress tests, risk data evaluation
Objective / Promise
Help optimizing market risk / Transparency, explanation and exploration to help avoiding technology risk
Path / Methodology
Valuation and data management, portfolio across scenario simulation, risk data aggregation / Multi model - multi method approaches
Side Benefits
Detect toxic instruments and structures
An Clear Statement of the Controlling Idea
We've spent 120 years developing, careful choosing the mathematical methods, mapping every practical detail…building automated solutions that are development systems in one
Ethic / Logic / Emotion
Apply models to expose (not hide) risk / validate models, check data plausibility… / use simulation to explore individual game rules for risk management
Ironic Payoff
Arming David - systems that seem to be devoted to the large market participants...made affordable and manageable
For me it's just a summarizing check that does not substitute the detail diagnosis…but it may motivate for another iteration...