A well-designed building, a well-engineered car or a beautifully configured interior can stimulate the centers of our brains…
The October WIRED UK Edition is called The Design Issue featuring Olafur Eliasson, the multi-award-winning artist…"Art will change the world" he said. Among many other projects, he runs a studio in Berlin with a wide array of lighting used as "tools" for producing certain psychological effects…
I recall, about eleven years ago, I reviewed an innovation project for theEuropean Commission that dealt with design - the project manager, a design professor of the Politecnico di Milano, explained the objective metaphorical: design light not lamps. The project was about principles and methodologies to achieve design-oriented innovation.
In quant innovation this meant: design usages first, then objects, models, solvers, functions, data…difficult enough, because in complex systems a bottom up approach is the only way to get the required flexibility…
Eliasson's tool box of light bulbs, neon tubes…in Berlin enable this the bottom up fashion. The analogy in quant innovation was a technology stack.
So, you're lucky if you have design methodologies for certain usages and a well designed technology stack providing the tools.
Again, it's worth working more with artists…they can really co-produce answers.