Me Talking To Myself In The Future

This piece of the Canadian performance artist Marie Brassard inspired me to look playfully at the past from a future perspective.

What have I become and what will I become? I change, and inevitably I move to the person I'll end up. But not only memy brand, my company, my community...

I'll check in the future whether I became more willing to explore, more generous, more confident, a better market risk optimizer? When I'd arrive by time machine, what would I show myself? It's speculative…but worth trying...

It's about my transformation from an innovator and innovation marketer to an innovation marketer and innovation marketing advisor…

What I may have done right technically

Predict the fast move to more quantifying. Quant innovations supports systematic investigations of observable phenomena via computational techniques in fields where this was not so common - social sciences, journalism and even law and politics. 

Defend the multi-model and multi-method strategies against the one-size-fits-all hype of master machine learning and AI algorithms, Big Data…It was my strong belief that connectionists, evolutionaries, Bayesians, symbolists and analogizes must cooperate with modelers and numerical analysts…

Recommend developing technologies products and solutions orthogonally. Develop a technology stack first…technology that isn't devoted to a context at first place. Develop you products transformative and make your solutions by tying things together. It's the only way to make smart connected things

The contextual technologies help recommending develop front-ends that explain complex concepts to non-experts…by contextual technologies and media. 

How my brand promise changed accordingly

My brand promise was helping innovators leverage their businesses by assessing their innovations and help them to connect purpose, position, team and client experience. To deliver a brand that is the meaning that clients attach to their innovations.

As I increasingly convinced innovators to provide not only innovation-use-training, but give full explanation on the methods behind and finally unleash the programming power behind their innovation (to make their innovations a solution and development environment in one)…I've decided to do the same by sharing my methodologies for the assessment of innovations…

What I'm proud of

My diagnosis tool The Innovation Mesh and a paradigm to understand how to optimize market risk of innovations…how to deal with the known and uncertainty, how to find the barrier between them and how to optimize…and how to apply Real Options as one tool to maximize the value of an investment project.

This is what I'd show myself when I'd arrive by time machine…

But there's one more thing

Putting my work into a higher context (like politics), and inspired by a high level process technique…I've introduced the reaction-convection-diffusion metaphor to marketing. It helps to optimize the market risk qualitatively…put (the story of) an innovation into the pot (market)…it will
  • react with worldview, states, solutions…in market segments related to its change potential and requirements
  • circulate by convection at borders of segments with gradients in expectations, knowledge, persuasion
  • diffuse through the market promoted by multiplying actors
Marketers can observe the "heat and speed" and control the process by adjusting access, information, education…avoid that the "pot" freezes the story or boils over with negative reactions.

It works even better as quantifying emerged and conquered new fields, sectors and segmentsWhen a quant innovations work, the reaction-convection-diffusion metaphor in marketing will help optimizing market risk even in new markets. 

Contextual technologies build the perfect platforms…if they're understood.